Enhancing the Music Ministry at St. Mark's, Berkeley
From the Director of Music
Music is an important and vital aspect of our ministry at St. Mark’s, and our parish is very much in a position to broaden and expand our musical gifts to the city of Berkeley and the greater Bay Area. With the support of the interim rector, the worship committee, and the choir, we embarked this past year on the Choral Mass Project. Generally on the second Sunday of each month, the choir has offered a choral mass setting of the Ordinary of the Eucharist at the 10:00 a.m. liturgy.
Many seekers come through church doors desiring mystery, awe, and an authentic connection with the Divine. Music is one way to support and cultivate this need and desire. Offering such services will continue to build our musical and liturgical traditions, as well as to speak to the present as well as to the future.
Masses Offered in 2017–2018
Nurturing the St. Mark's Family
The Worship Committee seeks prayerfully to consider ways not only to enhance and expand the worship of our existing members, but also to find ways to bring people new to our wonderful congregation through our doors. The monthly Choral Mass Project is an exciting initiative for community-building. As with the many other gifts of St. Mark’s ministry—such as the offerings of our talented Spoken Word Committee—we can spread the Good News through sharing these gifts.