InAsMuch Offering


Coordinated by the Social Justice Committee (SJC), St. Mark’s sponsors a monthly InAsMuch Offering named after Jesus’ charge in the Gospel of Matthew to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and  visit those in prison: “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these . . . you have done it unto me.”  Last month the parish contributed to the Episcopal Impact Fund of the Diocese of California. For a full list of the ministries scheduled for this year, please see the InAsMuch 2022 Calendar below.


November 2022:

Last month St. Mark’s raised funds for the emergency Fire Relief Appeal of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern of California. This month we dedicate our offering to St. Mark’s own Hot Meals neighborhood food program.

St. Mark’s has been hosting a monthly Hot Meals for some 30 years. We provide a fresh, healthy, hot dinner plus a bag lunch, and due to Covid, dinners are packed To Go. Typically we serve around 80 lunch bags, with sandwiches, boiled eggs, cookies and a juice box. Our 100 to-go dinners include a hot dish with meat and vegetarian options, as well as bottled water, garlic bread, eggs, salad and dessert. All volunteers wear masks, and we follow social distancing and other COVID-19 precautions.

Hot Meals is helped by many volunteers from student and youth groups, other churches in the area, plus food donations. Hot Meals is held the third Saturday afternoon each month so our next meals will be will hosted on 11/19 and 12/17, with two shifts for volunteers: the first from 1:00 until 3:00; the second starts at 3:15, with the meal distribution from 4:15 until 5:00. Please support this ongoing mission! And please volunteer when you can—it’s fun! Just email if you want to help.

To donate to the November appeal for Hot Meals, please place a check made out to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (with Hot Meals on the memo line) in the offering plate on Sundays or mail it to the Parish Office at 2300 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, 94704. You may also contribute on line using the parish website


Thank you for your generosity!

The Social Justice Committee of St. Mark’s



InAsMuch 2022 Calendar

January: Episcopal Impact Fund, Diocese of California        

February: St. Vincent’s Episcopal Center for Children with Disabilities, Diocese of Haiti       

March: Alameda County Community Food Bank

April: Options Recovery Services               

May: Rector’s Discretionary Fund, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

June: Berkeley Emergency Food and Housing       

July: UC Berkeley Food Pantry               

August: The Suitcase Clinic

September: United Thank Offering, The Episcopal Church

October: Episcopal Relief and Development, The Episcopal Church, for emergency disaster relief

November: Hot Meals, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

December: PAWS Fund