Holy Week 2023 at St. Mark’s

Our Holy Week preacher this year will be the Rev. Canon Jeremy Davies. 

Jeremy Davies graduated with degrees in English and Theology from Cambridge University, and after a curacy in the East End of London spent eleven years as a university chaplain, first at Queen Mary, University of London, and then as Senior Chaplain at Cardiff University and the Polytechnic of Wales. In 1985 he became Canon Precentor of Salisbury Cathedral – a post which he held for over twenty six years until his retirement in 2012. During his ministry he has become well known as a preacher, hymn-writer, and script writer; broadcaster, spiritual director, and lecturer (especially on Anglican spirituality, apologetics and art and theology) conductor of retreats and quiet days. His book In Season and Out of Season on the art of sermon creation was published in 2014. He has directed The Way of the Cross throughout the UK, and has been consultant to many other productions of this large-scale Passion pageant. Since his retirement he has ministered in a parish in St Louis, Missouri and also for two years as interim chaplain at his old Cambridge college. He is currently researching for a doctorate on the novels of the British author Iris Murdoch.

Palm Sunday

April 2nd
8am in the chapel and 10am in the nave

We remember the excitement when Jesus returned to Jerusalem for the last time.

**Visit our livestreamed services page for the recording of the Palm Sunday service**

Weekday Eucharists

Spoken eucharist services during Holy Week will be held in the chapel at the following times:

12:10pm on Monday, April 3rd
12:10pm on Tuesday, April 4th
12:10pm on Wednesday, April 5th


April 5th

7:30PM – nave

An adaptation of matins and lauds for Holy Week, in which candles are extinguished one by one as the appointed psalms are read, and a loud noise is made at the end of the service symbolizing the earthquake at the time of Christ’s death.

Maundy Thursday

April 6th
7:30PM (Holy Eucharist, with Procession to the Altar of Repose) – nave

We remember Jesus’ last meal with his friends, and his bold commandment to love one another as he loves us. All are welcome to come forward to have their feet washed and to offer the same care for another. It is the first day of what is called the Holy Triduum, which is the three days preceding a major feast day, in this case Easter Sunday.

**Visit our livestreamed services page to participate in the Maundy Thursday service**

Good Friday

April 7th
12:00PM (Liturgy of the Day, with Stations of the Cross)

7:30PM (Choral Liturgy of the Day, with Veneration of the Cross) – nave

Many Christians around the world observe Good Friday on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s Passion, crucifixion, and death.

The name Good Friday is entirely appropriate because the suffering and death of Jesus, as terrible as it was, marked the dramatic culmination of God’s plan to save his people from their sins.

**Visit our livestreamed services page to participate in the Good Friday evening service**

The Great Vigil of Easter

April 8th
7:30PM (Holy Eucharist) – begin on patio, process to nave

This is a special kind of service, intended as the first celebration of Easter.

The new fire is lit. The Paschal Candle is then lighted from the newly kindled fire.

**Visit our livestreamed services page to participate in the Great Vigil service**


Easter Day

April 9th

8am (Holy Eucharist) – chapel
10AM (Holy Eucharist) – nave

The feast of Christ’s resurrection!

**Visit our livestreamed services page to participate in the Easter Day service**