The liturgy is central to life at St. Mark’s. Many members of the congregation contribute time and talent in our worship. The different groups of volunteers who assist in the liturgy are called “liturgical guilds.” Serving in the liturgy enhances fellowship, expands knowledge about liturgy, and helps deepen worship. Please contact the office or speak to one of the guild heads if you are interested in serving.
The Worship Committee includes the heads of all the worship-related guilds and others interested in planning and reflecting on liturgy and worship. The committee works to plan, coordinate, and review the conduct of public worship at St. Mark’s, and undertakes special projects to enhance our common worship.
Our Liturgical Guilds
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild assists in the Eucharist by taking care of the bread and wine, the candles, and the linens for the altar. Each member is on one of four teams responsible for preparing the altar and sanctuary area one weekend of the month. Teams “set up” on Saturday and “set out” and “cleanse” on Sunday. The Altar Guild is also responsible for the care of linens and vestments, and for polishing the silver and brass. Their treasurer registers memorial and commemorative gifts of flowers for the Altar. The Altar Guild always welcomes new members.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is a group of parishioners who enjoy working with flowers. Individually or in teams, members obtain and arrange flowers for the Sunday services. Members may also assist with special services such as weddings and funerals. With help from other parishioners they decorate the whole church for the great festivals of Christmas and Easter. Anyone interested is welcome to share in this creative and satisfying experience.
Acolytes enhance our more formal worship services, highlighting the liturgy in the Chancel and in processions by assisting the clergy and lay liturgical ministers. Those interested in this ministry (ages 10 through adult) should contact the Rector or the Director of Acolytes.
Lectors are lay persons who read Scripture and lead congregational prayer at 10 AM services on Sundays and at major Holy Day services. Workshops are held periodically to refresh skills and provide orientation and training for those newcomers who desire to serve in this ministry, which is open to children, youth, and adults.
Greeters and Ushers
Greeters attend the main Sunday morning service, as well as special services, and are responsible for welcoming newcomers to St. Mark’s, answering their questions, and inviting them to join the coffee hour after the service. Ushers are responsible for greeting people as they enter the church, seeing that everyone has a service bulletin, and for assisting in other ways during the offering, Eucharist, and taking care of the need of attendees. The group includes both women and men of a wide range in age. New members are welcome.
Oblationers are children and adults from the congregation who take the bread, wine, and offerings to the Altar at the 10 a.m. Sunday service. Serving as an oblation bearer is a good way to mark a special occasion such as an anniversary or birthday. Anyone who would like to be an Oblationer should speak to the Rector or the Verger.